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Calendar 2024/25


Design and Communication Graphics
Course Outline

D.C.G. is a follow on from the Junior Cert. Technical Graphics course. The course is divided into a group of Core topics and a group of Applied Graphics.

The Core topics allow students attempt and solve problems using basic skills and principles. Some Core topics are a direct follow on from topics covered in Junior Cycle and some are new topics completely. The topics covered are:

Projection Systems (Orthographic, Auxiliary, Tri/Dimetric, Perspective)

Conic Sections (Ellipses, Parabolas, Hyperbolas)

Geometry of Lines and Planes (Oblique Plane)

Intersection and Development of Surfaces (Intersecting Solids, Developments)

The Core also involves Communication of Design and Computer Graphics. This basically means that students will be developing how they get design ideas across to people. This will be done through the medium of sketching, word processing and Computer Aided Design. Students will have access to Solidworks CAD package to allow them to graphically represent objects on sreen by drawing them in 3D format. The package allows drawings to be printed from it and photorealistic images to be created. The Solidworks package is used worldwide in industries for designing purposes so the access the students have to it would be a massive stepping stone to future job prospects.

The Applied Graphics is the other part of the course. In this area the students will have to choose only two areas from five that they with to cover. Applied Graphics topics have a very practical nature. The topics to choose from are:

Structural Forms

Geological Geometry

Dynamic Mechanisms


Surface Geometry

Project Work

There is a project to be completed usually from September to January of Leaving Cert year that is worth 40% of the marks for the whole course.

The projects is a 12 - 14 page A3 portfolio on a given brief and following a certain layout. The portfolio incorporates research via the internet, sketching, word processing, CAD models and drawings produced and printed from the computer.


As explained above, 40% of the overall mark is awarded for the competed project which normally has a strict deadline of late January or early February depending on the year.

The remaining 60% is for the 3 hour drawing exam that the students sit in June. This exam is broken into 3 sections.

Section A - Do 3 short questions out of 4 from topics on the Core

Section B - Do 2 long questions out of 3 from topics on the Core

Section C - Do 2 questions out of 5 from the Applied Graphics topics

D.C.G. is examined at both Higher and Ordinary levels.



Glenamaddy Community School, Church Street, Glenamaddy, Via Castlerea, Co. Galway, F45KF50 


Telephone +353(0)94 9659315 | Fax +353(0)94 9659354 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

RCN: 20149543